Entering the Portal of Mystical Realities

Not only did article resonate with my perspective of things, but she also uses “a field of wildflowers” in her last sentence, in the same manner I typically do! Anybody who knows me, can imagine my face after reading this! Lovely coincedences.  Here’s my all time favorite wildflower photo, taken of course by me.

Enjoy the insight. Lots of love and miraculous blessings to you. ~Kat

Entering the Portal of Mystical Realities

There are times when it may seem your existence here is as dry as
broom straw. By this, we refer to a brittle feeling within that lacks
resiliency and flow. Many on the Earth experience this and reach for
that which blunts the force of these feelings. Such actions result in
addictions that deaden the existence even further.

When your spirit lacks vitality and color, this is a sign you are not
giving it what it needs to flourish. One aspect of this is a
misunderstanding that physical reality feeds your spirit. In fact, it
is your spirit that feeds your physical reality. When you attempt to
live in reverse, taking sustenance from the outer world, you quickly
deplete your spirit.

Feeding your spirit what it needs to grow is much like feeding your
body what it needs to thrive. While much of the sustenance for your
body comes from cosmic life force energy, the food and other
substances you put into your body either facilitates or hinders your
body’s ability to receive this energy. When you take in substances
that deaden your vitality and create blockages in your physical
system, you open the door for disease to manifest. So it is, when you
attempt to feed your spirit with mundane, one-dimensional experiences
of the physical world, it begins to shrivel and withdraw from your
existence. There are many in your world who exist with just a spark
of their spirit intact. These beings find themselves susceptible to
afflictions and diseases of the body, mind and spirit.

Awakening to the Mystical

When you realize your existence has become dry and ruled by habit, it
is time to withdraw some of your focus from physical reality and
awaken your sleeping spiritual senses to the mystical energies all
around you. As you attune your senses to the realm of the “unseen,”
you are able to explore and experience a vast array of energies that
deepen your spiritual understanding. This paradoxically gives you a
richer experience of physical existence.

We offer here some ways you can begin to access the portal of mystical
realities in your daily life. The first step is the same as with all
things — that is, set your intention to do so, then begin to shift
your focus and attention through right use of will and desire. Once
you have taken this first step, you can take the further steps of
listening to your imagination and trusting the images it brings you,
and remembering and interpreting the messages your soul brings you in
your nightly dreams.

The Doorway of the Imagination

In your world, the imagination is often considered a second-rate
instrument that “makes up” things. The realm of the imaginary has
come into such scorn that many stifle the messages of their
imagination early in life. This is one of the greatest points of
misunderstanding in your world! Your imagination is your bridge to
higher consciousness. It is your greatest means of accessing other
aspects of yourself, such as your higher self, your oversoul, and
other incarnational selves that exist in other timeframe dimensions.

Cutting yourself off from your imagination is like attempting to
function with only half your self intact. It’s true, many adapt to
such a “half” existence, but it is always with a great feeling of loss
and a knowing that something important is missing. When you lose
connection with this wise and knowing part of yourself, you go through
life without knowing why you are here. True love eludes those who are
not in touch with their soul. Life becomes an endless striving for
material gain that never quenches the growing thirst for spiritual

Those who have cut themselves off from their imagination can choose to
reconnect by changing their beliefs about the imagination. Understand
and accept that all the images your imagination brings you are real
and true and apply to you. Your imagination only brings you images
that are an energetic match for your present reality. Sometimes, in
order to understand the full meaning of these images, it is necessary
to view them in a symbolic rather than literal way. Perceiving your
existence in a symbolic way requires you to take a few steps back from
physical reality and enter the realm of the mystical.

The Theater of Nightly Dreams

In much the same way, your nightly dreams bring images and messages
that shed light on the state of your present-moment consciousness.
They also offer glimpses of past and future moments as they apply to
your present moment. By setting the intention to remember these
messages and understanding their meaning, you gain access to the realm
of the mystical.

Some of your nightly dreams center on processing waking experiences.
Ideally, at some point during the night, you complete this processing
and enter an elevated dream state where you are able to receive
information and guidance from your higher self and guides. In this
state, you may also commune with aspects of your self that exist in
other timeframe dimensions.

As you become advanced in your dreamtime experiences, you are able to
attend spiritual teachings all over the universe, or serve as a
volunteer traveling in dreamtime to assist other souls in your world
and in other dimensions. There are many possibilities you are able to
explore as you become adept in dreamtime travels. We will speak more
on such possibilities next week in a discussion titled Entering the
Portal of Angelic Intervention.

To set up the probability of accessing elevated dream states, you can
consciously choose to process and distill the meaning of your waking
experiences before you enter the sleep state. One way to do this is
to interpret the meaning of significant events from your day in terms
of dream symbols. When you process your waking experiences prior to
entering the sleep state, this frees time and energy that would
otherwise be used processing your waking experiences.

Another step is to speak to your higher self and guides before you
fall asleep about the journeys and understandings you wish to
undertake in your sleep state. Become clear about the areas on which
you wish to focus. This sets up a framework of intention that takes
you into the timeframes, dimensions and journeys you wish to
experience during your dreamtime.

As you learn to navigate the universe of the subconscious during dream
states, you learn to bring the realm of the mystical into your waking

By entering the Portal of Mystical Experiences, you learn to feed your
spirit by awakening your spiritual senses to the realm of the unseen,
which has the power to grow your spirit and enrich your experience of
physical existence. Within this portal, you encounter two doorways –
one leading to the imagination and the other to the theater of your
nightly dreams. Both offer access to the realm of the mystical where
your highest probabilities beacon like fields of wildflowers.

For more information, email Deborah@intuitart.com or visit

Galactic Center 2012


Our entire Solar System (our Sun and planets) revolve around a central Sun Alcyone (in the Consellation of Pleiades), which in turn revolves around the GC, the centre of the Milky Way.  Thus the GC is our heart, our connection to the greater Cosmos from which we have all been birthed.The GC is 26,000 Light Years from our Sun and is actually a ‘Black Hole’.  A hole that vacuums up everything – light & matter and compresses it.  it is referred to as zero point, and it is where we are birthed and where we pass through when we die.  

When we are birthed through the GCs ‘birth canal’, our light codes (our higher vibrational resonances carrying the blueprints of our past, present and potential future) are switched off  – hence we forget the Divine Soul’s that we truly are and always have been.

However, the GC being our birth Mother, does not leave her children completely alone following their decent.  The GC is continually emitting waves of energy referred to as ‘Love Waves’.  These waves assist in connecting all of creation, nurturing and facilitating our growth. 
















The Love Waves are an integral part of the Great Shift, and preparing us for our leap in consciousness.  Through the Love Waves we are not separate, but we are all connected and we are all ONE, Living One Vibrational Energy.

The GC sits at 26 degrees 56minutes Sagittarius.  It takes 225 million years for the Milky Way galaxy to make one complete revolution around its core the GC and conversely it takes us 26,000 years for one complete revolution around Alcyone.  


In 2012 our GC and our Central Sun Alcyone will be completely aligned (at 26-56) with our Solar System sun meaning the end of a 225 million and 26,000 year cycle in 2012 (we will talk about this alignment in future Updates).  This is the aligning of the three spiritual hearts (suns), all coming together as ONE.


The diagram below shows the movement toward alignment in 2012:



In the celestial skies when the 3 suns align, humanity will move through a spiritual birthing into a new way of living.  A doorway opens for humanity to transcend our limited beliefs, our outdated paradigm of survival…. but for this to occur, we must take action now.

Many indigenous cultures, saints, sages and shamans from around the world have spoken about this time in history – a time where we are faced with the decision to responsibility address our future and that of future generations.  The time is now, and we must act before the opportunity is lost.


This is a time in history where we can collectively transcend the material consciousness of our culture, re-write our value system and unify together in peace, spiritual awareness, respect of our resources and other people, nature and the entire cosmos. 


United together we can make profound leaps in consciousness, and live peacefully together in harmony with all the elements of creation.


During Stage III of The Wave of Love (monthly emails commencing January 2008) – we will address just how humanity can align with the Wave of Love energies from our Galactic Centre – in order to create a Heaven here on Earth by 2012.

Remember, to keep The Wave of Love going, please forward this email on  to many souls so they too can connect in   Living One Vibrational Energy. 


Found on: http://www.universallifetools.com

Adorn yourself like a goddess

I’ve been swimming in my creativity lately and boy is that lucky for you! Christmas is rapidly approaching and you need to find those perfect presents for those many goddesses around you. Bedazzle their divinity and everyone around them with a one of a kind creation just as unique and gorgeous as they are.

 I will be adding more daily so keep an eye out for more adornments for both you and the home. 

www.EsotericEnchantments.etsy.com  : )


Many blessings to you and your loved ones ~Kat

Published in: on Saturday; 17 f, 2007 at 2:08 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Energy of the new moon in Scorpio


Scorpio New Moon: November 9, 2007

By Barbara Hand Clow

The New Moon in Scorpio always drives us deeply into our inner life. There we find ourselves contemplating our relationships to everyone and everything, and trivial issues fall by the wayside. At the same time, we are completing the last few days of the “advanced unifying synthesis” of Day Five [see my Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind], and I have something very important to say about this 2007 synthesis. Many of us can now feel that what each one of us creates is critical to the survival of our own species, a realization that is meant to permanently imprint in our minds during the Scorpio New Moon. This is new because until now, few people could imagine that they have an impact on the whole, that each of their personal actions counts. Meanwhile, there has been a great ongoing conflict within the Mayan Calendar movement over whether the Calendar ends in 2011 or 2012. Now that I see how much our personal actions matter, I can see that this seemingly innocent Calendar argument is stealing our attention from our critical survival needs. Specifically, those who attempt to understand the Calendar by means of time acceleration through 201l are increasing their own positive evolutionary potential by intentionally processing and releasing regressive evolutionary patterns, such as the National Underworld wars. And those who focus on 2012 discuss only the end moment, which encourages humanity to be passive just when we need to be the most attentive. Furthermore, the 2012 crowd often dishes out hideously fear-based catastrophic scenarios, such as Whitley Strieber does in his recent novel, 2012: The War for Souls.

For those who are working with the time acceleration model through 2011, on November 19 we will be entering Night Five of the Galactic Underworld, a 360-day period when we will experience a significant breakdown of the material world and a dismembering that precedes the metamorphosis coming during Day Six. Therefore, I begin this New Moon analysis with a brief analysis of the Calendar conflict, since it is now hindering evolution itself. Let’s get our facts straight: According to science, the closest alignment of the Winter Solstice Sun on the galactic plane/Ecliptic crossing occurred in May 1998, which I described in detail in my 2007 Fall Equinox reading as well as in The Mayan Code. Meanwhile, the 2012 crowd focuses on the 2012 Winter Solstice as the closest alignment. It will not be, since the alignment already occurred in 1998, and this is exceedingly important because the energy coming from the Galactic Center is so potent. In 1998, Earth physically changed in ways that were measurable; I discussed this extensively in The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions and The Mayan Code, a factor that may the most important change in Earth in thousands of years! Next, because the 2012 crowd ignores the actual galactic energy intensification a few years ago, they also miss the critical leap-time acceleration on January 5, 1999, the opening of the Galactic Underworld. The Galactic Underworld time acceleration may be the only factor in existence that can enable us to make the critical leap of 2011/2012 to becoming an enlightened and peaceful species!

Regardless of all the focus on the end point of the Calendar, the 2011 crowd are deeply connected to each other as they share in a massive group intention to advance evolution by utilizing the qualities of the Days and Nights of the Nine Underworlds to process and release the past. That is, they are co-creating the apotheosis of their own species, a level of consciousness that has never occurred before. As this Great Work formulates, the 2012 crowd chew their nails while awaiting their demise at the end of time, a silly idea from apocalyptical Judeo/Christian religion. Meanwhile, I believe our species is going to make it regardless of those who wallow in wimpy fear. I will read the Scorpio New Moon looking for influences that can help us choose courage over fear, belief in the future rather than crawling like the living dead toward the apocalypse. It is time to remember how to strive for life rather than give in to weakness, as our courageous amphibian ancestors did when they first crawled onto land 315 million years ago.

The New Moon in 17 Scorpio is in a grand trine in water to Uranus in 15 Pisces and Mars in 12 Cancer. This potent configuration inspires compassion and spiritual transformation founded in deep truth and courage, yet its shadow side is always nameless fear. It is always hard to grasp the potency of trines, especially grand trines. Often, what they can teach us comes through our emotional bonds. So, this month you have much to learn from families, partners, and even people in the world, since the Galactic Underworld is aggressively connecting all people at this time. Mysterious, newly-direct Neptune in Aquarius squares the lunation closely, which challenges each one of us to seek answers in other dimensions and in unseen realms. This month we will frequently feel gentle prods and pushes from spirit guides. If you follow these signals with your heart, you may realize that using our wills to just go forward with new things is the solution for many things now. Every year, the New Moon in Scorpio asks us to remember the potency of our wills and to remember how to use them as our central creative tool. Well, Neptune squaring the New Moon will activate our wills, and then the trine from Uranus in Pisces will make it easier to take action on what we see and feel. Mars in Cancer trining the lunation emphasizes that the only real security we have is to demand what we want-and then to wait for these things to come to us. Yet, there is much more going on with Mars in Cancer; Mars retrogrades in 12 Cancer on November 15, and I think this retrograde Mars will create great change, confusion, chaos, wonder, and new creative paths.

Before I analyze the unusual Mars retrograde that begins just after this New Moon, I want to note that Mercury’s retrograde motion during October was a warning of just how potent retrograde planets can be. Mercury retrograded at 9 Scorpio on October 11, went all the way back to 23 Libra on November 1, and will be back to 9 Scorpio on November 17. All kinds of chaos showed up in the financial markets and in our personal lives during this retrograde, and the last of its residue should clear on November 17. Mars retrograde at 12 Cancer is a much bigger deal, especially because 12 Cancer is almost exactly on the natal Sun of George W. Bush and the United States (1776 USA chart). This Bush/USA Sun conjunction explains why so many Americans have so much trouble seeing what Bush is doing to their country, since Bush mirrors the USA. Cancer expresses our need for security and the depth of our emotional strength-issues that are soon to be sorely tried. Mars in Cancer (and even back into late Gemini) from November 14 until May 2008 indicates a depressed mood in the USA when the people will realize what they have lost. Whether they can turn against the outrageous militancy of the Bush cabal remains to be seen. I maintain this will only happen when people realize the military is gobbling up their precious resources, and the Mars retrograde could wake people up. During the retrograde period from November 14 through the end of January 2008, the Bushites will feel like taking aggressive actions such as attacking Iran, but this will backfire on them because the public will not agree.

Meanwhile, the media will be using global warming and the 2008 election to distract the public from what they should be paying attention to. Many times in the past, especially during 2003 and 2004, I have written about transits to 1776’s Neptune in 22 Virgo squaring Mars in 21 Gemini-the aspect in the USA chart that causes America to be very confused about war when the “leaders” brashly get involved in conflicts that drain the country, such as Vietnam and Iraq. Both the Vietnam and Iraq wars were ruled by transits to the USA’s Neptune squaring Mars. Well, after Mars retrogrades on the USA’s and Bush’s Sun sign, it goes all the way back to 24 Gemini and goes direct on the USA’s Mars-square-Neptune on January 30, 2008. There will be great tension between the Bushites and the people as it pulls back (retrogrades); then, when it goes direct on the USA’s Mars, there will be a major turnaround in events. Of course, this could indicate an invasion of Iran, but based on my 2008 Night Five predictions in The Mayan Code, I think there could be a major turn toward peace in the Middle East. At any rate, watch what happens when Mars retrogrades on November 15 for signs of what is to come. No matter what, this transit will have noteworthy effects in politics and finance. Of course, because the retrograde is in Cancer (home), the sub-prime mortgage crisis will be a major issue during this period. I will be watching this transit all the way up to May 2008 when it passes beyond 12 Cancer. Of course, for those of you who know the USA chart (see the Methodology), Mars also crosses and re-crosses the USA’s Jupiter-conjunct-Venus in Cancer, another indicator of serious trouble in the housing sector.

Very much like the aspects to the New Moon in Libra last month, these potent aspects to the lunation suggest important times, and you may have profound creativity as well as contact with many dimensions this month. Yet, since the Mars retrograde aspects Bush’s and the USA’s Sun, the housing crisis will instill great fear in the masses. Perhaps facing insecurity with their own homes is what it will take to awaken their compassion for the millions of Iraqis who have been driven out of their own homes and country and have lost so many family members. The more we can see how we are all part of the larger pattern, the closer we are to stopping American adventurism, so go into your deepest feelings and see and feel as much as you can. As I noted last month, now that useless old patterns have been broken up by the Jupiter/Uranus squares, it is time for Americans to learn how to process loss. Intend to see the meaning of your losses and consider the implications for others as America releases domination in the world. Let go of any desire to be on top of a mountain constructed by militarism and greed. Also, Mars in Cancer quincunxes Chiron newly-direct in Aquarius, so this transit is a huge healing for all Americans, as they are deeply challenged to remember their original ideals.

During the New Moon in Libra, Jupiter exactly squared Uranus for the last time, and many old patterns are changing. All of a sudden, Turkey is moving into Iraq while there is great instability in Pakistan. These areas were all theatres of conflict during Day Six of the National (829-1223 AD), so already new patterns that will bear fruit during Day Six of the Galactic (November 13, 2008-November 8, 2009) are arising. These new patterns will play out during Night Five, beginning November 19. I will go into these issues during 2008, but my point here is that there is a lot of shifting and changing right now, and it would be smart to watch Condeleeza Rice moving around the Middle East. You will be very surprised to see what happens during the next year. And, remember, most wars end only because the warring factions are exhausted. Nothing good ever comes out of them, only pain and loss.

We shift our attention to Jupiter moving close to Pluto on the Galactic Center. Jupiter will reach Pluto in early December, when the great planet will expand the awakening of galactic consciousness that has been happening during the Galactic Underworld (January 5, 1999-November 28, 2011). Pluto has been transiting the Galactic Center during 2006 and 2007, and Jupiter will expand and ground this force in the material world. During the New Moon, Mercury in 28 Libra squares Pluto on the Galactic Center, which suggests new knowledge emerging about our Galaxy this month. Yet, changes in our perspectives come in subtle ways and often go unnoticed. For example, there is a group located in Tucson, Arizona, called “The Dark Sky Association (DSA),” that has been assisting American cities to cut light pollution; this will help us see the night sky again, as well as help animals who suffer from light pollution, especially birds. You may have noticed that San Francisco darkened their lights last month for a few hours just to save energy? Now the efforts of the DSA are bearing fruit, and many cities and communities are saying they want to darken the sky so they can see the Milky Way again! Hooray for the Galactic Underworld!

Meanwhile, Venus in Libra squares Pluto on the Galactic Center, which suggests that balancing work will be coming from the feminine principle this month. I don’t know about you, but I have been enjoying a female presence in Congress with Nancy Pelosi, and in the election campaign with Hillary Clinton, the so-called “Her”. This is a good month to give meditation energy to the feminine force, and perhaps there will be revelations coming from women in the military. Lastly, Saturn in Virgo is close to the lunar South Node (exact on Oct. 13), and structures are being examined more closely, such as military contractors like Blackwater. The way American tax dollars are being used without public consent is outrageous, and I would say scrutiny will build under Saturn in Virgo, and it will expand when Jupiter moves into Capricorn on December 19.

As for your personal reality, do everything you can to remain financially sound and simplify your life. Jupiter moving into Capricorn will be the first trigger for the cardinal squares between Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Libra, and Uranus in Aries, that will form during 2008-2010 and will restructure the financial systems of the world. Entering Night Five of the Galactic Underworld begins the restructuring of resources, yet Night Five is also about deepening and opening our hearts. As the old saying goes, you can’t take it with you, so let go and share as we propel into the deep time, the Fifth Night of the Galactic Underworld.

White Buffalo Prophecy

Chief Arvol Looking Horse,

19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe



Mitakuye Oyasin (all my relations),


Another great message has come to us from the animal nation. This time, it is more urgent then ever!  It has come to my attention of another birth of a white buffalo, this time it is more different then any other sign.  


So far since 1994, the same time that Global Warming was being announced; there have been at least 4-6 every year of these sacred buffalo calves that have stood upon the earth. Not only the buffalo have showed these signs to tell us of this great urgency that is upon us, but in many parts of the world, there have been other animal nations showing this sacred color. This color represents the south, the direction in which we pass through to the spirit world, a completed cycle. This interpretation has to do with the Bundle I take care of; that carries a prophesy from the White Buffalo Calf Woman.  She told of a time when her spirit would stand upon the earth, a time of great changes were about to come to us all. A time when the two legged would have to make a decision to change their ways to heal the damage that they have created. Boundaries in respecting life and spirit will have become violated.


This birth is yet another sign, but brings more awareness of this urgency.  This new birth has to do with 2 female buffalo kept in captivity, with no male buffalo present.  It would be hard to believe, but in this instance, the place they live has kept this quiet, because they did not want to be accused of artificially inseminating the female buffalo. There have been these types of instances that have been done in the past, concerning publicity in owning a white buffalo calf.


The Woodland Zoo in Farmington, Pennsylvania decided to bring in two female buffalo to their facility. One of the females was pregnant when she arrived.  After she had the calf, it was sold, 6 months later, she gave birth to another calf, this time it was white. Buffalo carry for 9 months as humans do.  The other female she lived with, gave birth 9 months later to a black buffalo after the white calf stood upon the earth, again no male buffalo present.


This was brought to my attention a while back.  I did not want to state anything till I took this through ceremony, to understand the truth and the message. 


Since 1994, these kinds of signs have been coming, but it seems that people do not listen or want to see anything important from the animal nation’s messages. This has a lot to do with faith.


What was told is as follows: This is a very dangerous time we are in!  The minds of the people on Unc’i Maka (Grandmother Earth) are choosing to focus on a new way of life that is hurting us all in the global community. This way of life chooses war, hurting one another physically and verbally, and continued desecration to Unc’i Maka in taking more then what we truly need in her resources.  These decisions not only hurt our own People, but the animal nations are dying in large numbers to extinction by this new way of life we are accepting. Unc’i Maka is going to have a hard time to continue to bring food to all life.  These decisions need to be changed very soon and are in each and every one of your hands more then ever. Respect to the spirit of life needs to be brought back; boundaries need to put back into place and faith needs to be present in everyone’s life once again.


We have no choice but to listen!


May Peace Prevail Earth!  In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!


Chief Arvol Looking Horse,

19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe


Read more spiritual leaders statements here:

Arvol Looking Horse Statement

Song of peace

To learn more about this video, click the link below:

Joseph Rael

Meditations with the elders

Meditations with Native American Elders Nov. 6

“It is well to be good to women in the strength of our
manhood because we must sit under their hands at both
ends of our lives.”

The woman brings us into this life and nurtures us as
we grow up. When we reach our manhood, she supports us
and sings the songs to help the family grow. The
Elders say we must look at the woman in a sacred way.
We must realize how special her powers are in bringing
forth life. The woman will bring balance to a man. The
woman will help him see. It is said, behind every
successful man is a supporting woman. Maybe we should
examine how we are thinking about women. The Great
Spirit says we should honor them. Are we resepecting
and honoring our women today?
Grandmother, Grandfather thank you for our women.
Today, let me honor them.
By: Don Coyhis
A Cherokee Feast Of Days – Nov. 6

We all handle hundreds of decisions every day—dress
or pants, cereal or pancakes, coffee or tea, this
project or that, shopping or banking, park here or
there, and so on. If we really knew how many decisions
and details we attend to each day, we’d be
overwhelmed. Sometimes we’re over-whelmed even without
knowing the exact number! But few decisions are more
important than this one: what words we use with those
around us. Even on our busiest day, we can find time
to say, “Great job!”, What a lovely dress!”, “Thank
you!”, and most important of all, “I love you!”
Remember to keep life and love at the top of the list
of decisions you have to make each day. You’ll be
happier, and others will be too.
Is not kindness more powerful than arrogance; and
truth more powerful than the sword?

By: Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Aids and Cancer cured by Hyper-oxygenation

     Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally in rain and snow, from atmospheric ozone, and in mountain streams where rushing water is continuously aerated.  Most of us learned at an early age to drink from a stream only where the water is running white, because that is where it gets cleansed of germs.  The reason is that H2O2 is forming there due to its rapid agitation, and that’s what kills any harmful microbes present.  By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while you can tuck enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2, improving its purity, flavor and vitality.  It turns out that the spring waters at Lourdes, France, long recognized for their remarkable healing properties, are very high in natural hydrogen peroxide.  The spring is fed by high altitude snow melt, so the snow apparently absorbs unusually large quantities of ozone on its way from the upper atmosphere.  Other less-known high altitude springs are said to be likewise effective.  Similar benefits can be obtained in a swimming pool or hot tub, by discarding the chlorination system and simply pouring in H2O2, or by bubbling ozone through the water.  One simple method of making pool-grade ozone is to pump air past an enclosed ultraviolet lamp.  Raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits can contain natural hydrogen peroxide.  Cooking drives off the extra oxygen.  Fresh fruit juices are well known for their blood cleansing and revitalizing capabilities, particularly when they are not combined with other foods; this is largely due to the H2O2 they contain.  Reconstituted frozen juices have much less and are no longer “alive”, thus they are not nearly as effective.
     Mother’s milk contains a high amount of H2O2, especially colostrum, the first milk secreted after birth, which activates the newborn’s immune systems, and key to many other metabolic processes.  Under conditions of optimum health, H2O2 is produced by the body’s immune system in whatever amounts are needed to quickly destroy any invading hostile organisms.  It is made by combining water in the body with the free oxygen that is supposed to be available.  When the body is oxygen-starved, it can’t produce enough H2O2 to wipe out invading pathogens, which can then get the upper hand and cause visible disease.
     When penicillin is effective against infection, it is largely due to the formation of bacterial amounts of H2O2, when glucose is oxidized by O2 in the presence of penicillin notatin (General Biochemistry, Fruton & Simmonds 577.1 F944 p. 339).  Much has been made about the healing properties of interferon, but it is unbelievably expensive.  However, much of its effectiveness is apparently due to the fact that it stimulates the production of H2O2 and other oxygen intermediates, which are a key factor in reactivating the immune system (Journal of Interferon Research Vol 3, #2, 1983 p. 143-151).  Thus Interferon may turn out to be simply a very elaborate way to accomplish essentially the same thing as H2O2 regimen.  Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has long been recognized as essential to the proper use of oxygen by the cells.  Dr. Linus Pauling has demonstrated that large doses of vitamin C are effective against cancer.  The mainstream medical community still has not acknowledged this discovery, let alone put it to use, despite Dr. Pauling’s previous credentials.  As it turns out, vitamin C actually creates extra H2O2 in the body.  Organic Germanium (bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide) is gaining increasing recognition as a potent healing substance, primarily through the work of Dr. Kasuhiko Asai.  This compound directly increases the body’s oxygen supply, as it contains a great deal of oxygen in a form that can be easily assimilated (see “Miracle Cure: Organic Germanium” by Dr. Paul Asai, Japan Publications, Inc., Tokyo and New York).  Taheebo (aka Pau D’Arco or Lapacho Colorado) is a tree that grows in the Andes and fixes high concentrations of oxygen in crystalline form in its inner bark.  The bark has been used for centuries by the native peoples of the area to prevent and reverse illness, and it is one reason why they do not get cancer.  In recent years it has become popular in the US, and it gets by the FDA as an “herbal tea”, whose distributors wisely make no medical claims for it.  Again, much of its effectiveness is apparently due to its high oxygen content, released in solution when brewed as a tea.
     There are several common practices that drop a person’s oxygen level far below what it should really be.  At sea level, 20% of the atmosphere is supposed to be oxygen, but city air gets down as low as 10%, due to smog and removal of trees.  Air that tastes bad induces a tendency to breathe shallowly, getting even less oxygen to the blood.  So does lack of exercise.  The carbon monoxide (CO) in smog does not normally occur in nature in much quantity since it’s formed by incomplete combustion of carbon compounds.  It is electrically unbalanced, so it seeks to bond with any available oxygen to form the more stable carbon dioxide (CO2).  Those who breathe too much carbon monoxide tend to die, fast or slow depending on the concentration.  It strips oxygen molecules from the blood to form CO2, which the body can’t use and must exhale, at least until its oxygen runs out.  The fact that the body considers CO2 a waste product, by the way, doesn’t say much for carbonated beverages.  Tap water is very low in oxygen, having no opportunity to be aerated during its journey through the pipes, and being loaded down with chlorine and various contaminants.  Since cooking drives the extra oxygen out of vegetables, if one’s diet is mostly cooked or processed foods, there’s yet another oxygen source lost.

DNA Activation

Amazing energy, can you feel it’s pulse? 

From the Hopi

We are now faced with great problems, not only here but throughout the land.  Ancient cultures are being annihilated.  Our people’s lands are being taken from them, leaving them no place to call their own.  Why is this happening?  It is happening because many have given up or manipulated their original spiritual teachings.  The way of life which the Great Spirit has given to all its people of the world, whatever your original instructions are not being honored.  It is because of this great sickness, called greed, which infects every land and country, that simple people are losing what they have kept for thousands of years.
     Now we are at the very end of our trail.  Many people no longer recognize the true path of the Great Spirit.  They have, in fact, no respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who gives us all life.
     We are instructed in our ancient prophecy that this would occur.  We were told that someone would try to go up to the moon, that they would bring something back from the moon, and that, after that, nature would show signs of losing its balance.  Now we see that coming about.  All over the [our] world there are now many signs that nature is no longer in balance.  Floods, drought, earthquakes, and great storms are occurring and causing much suffering.  We do not want this to occur in our country and we pray to the Great Spirit to save us from such things.  But there are now signs that this very same thing might happen very soon on our own land.
     Now we must look upon each other as brothers and sisters.  There is no more time for divisions between people.  Today I call upon all of us, from right here at home,  Hotevilla, where we too are guilty of gossiping and causing divisions even among our own families, out to the entire world, where thievery, war and lying goes on every day.  These divisions will not be our salvation.  Wars only bring more wars never peace.  Only by joining together in a Spiritual Peace with love in our hearts for one another, love in our hearts for the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, shall we be saved from the terrible Purification Day which is just ahead.
     There are many of you in this world who are honest people.  We know you spiritually, for we are the “Men’s Society Grandfathers” who have been charged to pray for you and all life on earth, never forgetting anything or any one in our ceremonials.  Our prayer is to have a good happy life, plenty of soft gentle rain for abundant crops.  We pray for balance on earth to live in peace and leave a beautiful world to the children yet to come.  We know you have good hearts, but good hearts are not enough to help us out with these great problems.  In the past some of you have tried to help us Hopis, and we will always be thankful for you efforts.  But now we need your help in the worst way.  We want the people of the world to know the truth of our situation.
     This land which people call the Land of the Freedom celebrates many days reminding people of the world of these things.  Yet in well over 200 years the original Americans have not seen a free day.  We are suffering the final insult.
     Our people are now losing the one thing which give life and meaning of life – our ceremonial land, which is being taken away from us.  Hotevilla is the last holy consecrated, undisturbed traditional Native American sacred shrine to the Creator.  As the prophecy says, this sacred shrine must keep its spiritual pathways open.  This village is the spiritual vortex for the Hopi to guide the many awakening Native Americans and other true hearts home to their own unique culture.  Hotevilla was established by the last remaining spiritual elders to maintain peace and balance on this continent from the tip of South America up to Alaska.  Many of our friends say Hotevilla is a sacred shrine, a national and world treasure and must be preserved.  We need your help.
     Where is the freedom which you all fight for and sacrifice your children for?  Is it only the Indian people who have lost or are all Americans losing the very thing which you original came here to find?  We don’t share the freedom of the press because what gets into the papers is what the government wants people to believe, not what is really happening.  We have no freedom of speech, because we are persecuted by our own people for speaking our beliefs.
     We are at the final stages now, and there is a last force that is about to take away our remaining homeland.  We are still being denied many things, including the right to be Hopis and to make our living in accordance with our religious teachings.  The Hopi leaders have warned leaders in the White House and the leaders in the Glass House, but they do not listen.  So, as our prophecy says, then it must be up to the people with good pure hearts who will not be afraid to help us to fulfill our destiny in peace for this world.  We now stand at a cross-road whether to lead ourselves in everlasting life or total destruction.  We believe that human beings’ spiritual power through prayer is so strong it decides life on earth.
     So many people have come to Hopiland to meet with us.  Some of you we have met on your lands.  Many times people have asked how they can help us.  Now I hope and pray that your help will come.  If you have a way to spread the truth, through the newspapers, radio, books, thought meeting with powerful people, tell the truth!  Tell them what you know to be true.  Tell them what you have seen here, what you have heard us say, what you have seen with your own eyes.  In this way, if we do fall, let it be said that we tried, right up to the end, to hold fast to the path of peace as we were originally instructed to do by the Great Spirit.
     Should you really succeed, we will all realize our mistakes of the past and return to the true path-living in harmony as brothers and sisters, sharing our mother, the earth with all other living creatures.  In this way we could bring about a new world … a world which would be led by the Great Spirit and our mother will provide plenty and happiness for all.
     God bless you, each one of you, and know our prayers for peace meet yours as the sun rises and sets.  May the Great Spirit guide you safely into the path of love, peace freedom and God on this Earth Mother.  May the holy ancestors of love and light keep you safe in your land and homes.  Pray for God to give you something important to do in this great work which lies ahead of us all to bring peace on earth.  We the Hopi still hold the sacred stone tablets and now await the coming of our True White Brother and others seriously ready to work for the Creator’s peace on earth.
     Be well, my children, and think good thoughts of peace and togetherness.  Peace for all life on earth and peace with one another in our homes, families and countries.  We are not so different in the Creator’s eyes.  The same great Father Sun shines his love on each of us daily just as Mother Earth prepares the sustance for our table, do they not?  We are one after all.
     Chief Dan Evehema, (105) Spiritual leader, Eldest Elder Greeswood / Roadrunner Clan Society Father / Snake Priest / Kachina Father, from Hotevilla, Arizona, Hopi Sovereign Nation
     [This article can be read in its entirety at:  http://the67show.com/afwnn/